Thursday, December 14, 2006

space saver for librarians

Anguline Research Archives: "Shrink the cost of your library by using digital books, no longer do libraries have to be expensive Anguline Research Archives are dedicated to keep the cost of information down to affordable levels in order that everyone may enjoy the benefits of a wide range of sources.

A further benefit soon becomes obvious to anyone doing research and requiring extracts to be made from books, this may be done instantly without resorting to cramming the book on a photocopier and in the process damaging the spine, copies of extracts may be made quickly and conveniently with no damage ensuing.

Digital Conservation, archivists have long acknowledged the best way to conserve an object is to do the least amount of repairs to the object and certainly nothing that cannot be reversed at a later date.

Digital technology now affords the archivist and librarian the perfect way to avoid damage, and wear & tear to the library or archive stock. Scanning books does no damage and allows the original to be kept in archive conditions suffering no further damage yet the information contained within is readily available."


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