Boards Administrators message board
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Boards > Topics > RootsWeb > Administrative > Boards Administrators
DO read the words of wisdom by
Messages posted to this board also appear in the "" mailing list. RootsWeb: Genealogy Mailing Lists: BOARDS-ADMINS
if you click on Become an Admin you get to agree to:-
The responsibilities of a board administrator are as follows:
- A board administrator is expected to keep contact information current by listing a valid working e-mail address accessible to board users on the Info page for the board. An administrator may also include on the Info page a welcome message and/or instructions for posting to the board, as well as any relevant links to Web sites related to the subject of the board.
- A board administrator is expected to review new messages posted on the board to ensure they do not violate the rules set forth for posting; to remove those that are in violation of message board rules. The administrator is also responsible for removing a message when requested by the poster.
- In addition, a board administrator is encouraged to take the lead in discussion on a board where possible, to assist users with searching and posting, and to promote interest in using the board.
- Since activity from one board to another can vary greatly, it is impossible to estimate the amount of time necessary to maintain a specific board. However, it does not involve an extensive amount of time, and no special tools other than e-mail and Internet access are necessary.
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I use a google site search to look for vacancies
Google Search: "become an admin" and add keywords
eg Google Search: surnames "become an admin"
Google Search: topics "become an admin"
I see Boards > Topics > Census > Denmark > General
still needs an ADMIN but
Boards > Topics > Occupations > British Mariners is OK
both boards were created at my request.
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