Monday, September 27, 2004

Boards > Surnames > Schultz

Messages posted to this board also appear in the "SCHULTZ" mailing list.

Boards > Surnames > Schultz

this is a good busy board

eg " Born: Russia,
Parent's born: Russia,
Language spoken: Jewish,
Immigration date: 1907"

USA and Prussia and Germany too

but not so much Denmark
so outside my scope
all cleaned up to about (1550 messages) May 2004

this was the first major board I "cleaned up"
which means editing the headers to the correct standards ,
and moving, or deleting, off topic messages

It took one afternoon.

so please take it on by clicking on Become An Admin

put it in "My Notifications"
and you get an email evry 24 hours
listing what's new on the boards you read.


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