Sunday, July 31, 2005

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Watkins Lapham Kristoffersen Riley 2005

RootsWeb's WorldConnect Project: Watkins Lapham Kristoffersen Riley 2005:
"Cutoff year 1930

Processing GEDCOM file Individuals: 2028 Families:
606 Attempting to approx dates for 658 individuals
Unable to approx birth dates for 31 individuals 0 individuals removed, 0 marked as living

Marking descendants of living as living Alive 354
Cleaning living
Cleaning Marriages
Remove notes from Living
Remove sources from Living
Converting to year only for None
Message for living: email me if you want a copy of the whole file

Outputting 606 Families
Total Individuals: 2028
Alive: 356
Removed: 0 "

Friday, July 29, 2005

looks like a blog but no dates
Blog Archive
Response (re: Sad State of Mac Genealogy Software) "I'm a hypocrite.
I use The Master Genealogist, GenSmarts, and VirtualPC.
There, I said it. Genealogy is one area where I failed to make the transition to Macs fully. I'd like to simply blame it on old habits and not wanting to learn new things, but Jamis made some good points, namely about evidence.
I also like the third party utilities that work with several of the Windows applications (GenSmarts being an invaluable tool to me).
That said, there is no perfect Mac or Windows genealogy software program."

which is why I no longer use a macintosh

Thursday, July 28, 2005

RootsWeb Message Boards bad java

RootsWeb Message Boards [ Genealogy Help ]

who is in charge

fails to display in MS IE and Mozilla

== I wrote ==

RootsWeb HelpDesk: Online Web Editor

RootsWeb HelpDesk: Online Web Editor
A very powerful weapon in the webmaster's armoury
do learn to use it

Submit Corner - Guides - META Tag Guide and Optimization Tips

Submit Corner - Guides - META Tag Guide and Optimization Tips thanks to Patricia Geary again - and again

Submit Corner - Guides - Search Engine Guide - Comparison of Top Search Engines

Submit Corner - Search Engine Optimization Guides, Tools, Positioning and Placement Strategies: "If your website is not in the top search engines, how will your customers find you? Learn the techniques, tips, indexing strategies and gain the competitive edge you need in e-business. Welcome to Submit Corner. This website was developed with the goal of helping businesses and webmasters optimize their rankings to the top of search engines. We've created guides and web-based tools to help prepare and scan your website before submitting to search engines. Using our tools and guides, you get a full site optimization at your fingertips without costing you a penny. "

TATTNALL county, GA, genealogy

TATTNALL county, GA, genealogy
I don't know how i ended here I was reading RootsWeb Review: RootsWeb's Weekly E-zine
27 July 2005, Vol. 8, No. 30,

But an excellent in-your-face web page of bold design and part of:-

The GAGenWeb Project at "This is the official home page for GAGenWeb Project. We are a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county in the State of Georgia. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone. To learn more about our parent organization, the USGenWeb Project, visit their website linked here on our pages.
GAGenWeb Project members are located throughout the world, not just in Georgia. We rely on the resources of the Internet and on volunteers who are able to transcribe primary documents to assist us in getting information online.
and one level higher
The USGenWeb Project - Free Genealogy and Family History Online: "Welcome to The USGenWeb Project! We are a group of volunteers working together to provide Internet websites for genealogical research in every county and every state of the United States. This Project is non-commercial and fully committed to free access for everyone.
Organization is by county and state, and this website provides you with links to all the state websites which, in turn, provide gateways to the counties. The USGenWeb Project also sponsors important Special Projects at the national level and this website provides an entry point to all of those pages, as well
. "
but no upward link to WorldGenWeb Project or North America

AHA USGenWeb(*)
CanadaGenWeb(*), Canada GenWeb Project - Projet GenWeb du Canada
(*) These projects are associated projects and are linked here as a courtesy to visiting researchers.

North America Genealogy Project
Carrie Thomas-Dominguez
Costa Rica Fernando Herrera Sánchez
El Salvador
Sherry Medders
Hari Peña
Honduras Carol Martinez
Mexico Mike Jarvis
Nicaragua Host needed
Panama Harold Williams



Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rooted Thoughts

Rooted Thoughts

a blog as a an Atom feed on Elsi's Genealogy: "Elsi's Genealogy Pages
Under construction, come back soon
This page updated Wednesday, 02-Feb-2005 09:49:20 MST "

don't hold your breath !

Monday, July 25, 2005

Free Find - Changing the Font Using Style Sheets --

Changing the Font Using Style Sheets --

Web Site Search Engine, Free and Pro Versions - "Let your visitors Search Your Website
Add a site search engine to your website today.

Get your search engine for free, or select an ad-free professional version."

Friday, July 22, 2005

Dummies::Avoiding Web Design Blunders

Adapted From: Creating Web Pages For Dummies, 7th Edition
Slow-loading pages
This is the No. 1 bane of Web page design, whether amateur or professional.

Ugly color combinations
Many Web page publishers don't much care if the color combinations they use are attractive or not. Others care, but can't critically appraise their own work and see how ugly and/or difficult to use the result is.

Small text (And large text, too)
A common mistake people make is to use small text on their Web pages

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Genealogy and Family History

Genealogy and Family History: "According to reports, the last covered wagon seen going through Marshall Oklahoma had this printed on the side:

'Farewell old Missouri
and bleeding Kansas too.
I may go to Hell some day
but never back to you'"

Monday, July 18, 2005

Hartsook/Ball Family Genealogy Homepage

a good first effort

surnames Songer, Fetter, Huff, Roesener, Bosse., Kuhr, Even, Huddleston, Burk, Wroot, Coleman, Yenk

Oak Hill Cemetery Cincinnati, Hamilton Co, Ohio
Oak Hill Cemetery

Sunday, July 17, 2005

Google Groups : google-sitemaps

an important forum for webmasters

Fixed it
I found while the Rootsweb online editor does not support xml
that I could make an xml page in note pade "all files" .xml
and upload it Sitemap read within 17 minutes and accepted as error free 1 hour ago

success number 16

Friday, July 15, 2005

UKBMD - Births, Marriages, Deaths Indexes for the UK, On-Line

UKBMD - Births, Marriages, Deaths Indexes for the UK, On-Line

from my sgb usenet mail:-

As someone else has already pointed out, the registrars themselves are having
to handle the old registers to fullfil certificate orders. The searches performed
by the public are made on-line via one of the Local BMD sites, not by visiting
the register offices. The aim of the survey is to see what interest there is
to the idea of having these original registers scanned.

If there is enough interest, then the Cheshire BMD and other associated
sites could be extended so that not only can you search the local indexes,
but you could also see a copy of the original certificate on-line.

Cheshire BMD has already made FreeBMD and 1837online redundant if you
want to look for a Cheshire birth between 1837 and 1900. *ALL* Cheshire
birth indexes for this period are on-line ! The other BMD sites will follow
this, given time.

The advantages of having the original indexes on-line are more apparent when you
look at marriages. Not only does it pair the partners, but it will tell you
the church/venue for the marriage. Also, where former married names are available,
all names are listed. Try a search on the Cheshire BMD's marriages for SEDDON
in 1841 for a good example of this.

Click on the "Statistics" menu button on the UKBMD site and you'll get an idea
of how far advanced the various Local BMD web sites are. The list shown
on this page doesn't take into account the 10 or so other Local BMD sites,
so the true total will be much higher than that shown.

Ian Hartas
Subscribe to the GEN-UKBMD list.
The Few :


Alexa Web Search -- For Webmasters

Alexa Web Search -- For Webmasters: "There are a few reasons that Alexa may not have visited your site. Perhaps your site is new or we haven't discovered any links on the web that lead to your site. Or perhaps we haven't had any Alexa users visit your site. It is also possible that your web site administrator has disallowed crawlers from visiting your site - please read the information about robots.txt that we have provided above.
In any event, simply by visiting your site with the Alexa Toolbar open, Alexa will learn of your site and add it to our list of sites to visit, thus ensuring your inclusion in the Alexa service and in the Alexa archive.
If you are the type of person who won't be satisfied until you get to click a button that says 'Crawl My Site,' then we have just the form for you. Simply type your site's web address into the box below, and then click the button. Alexa will include your site in the next crawl of the web, usually within 8 weeks of submission."

Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Trying to use my freespace on my new ISP and
which are two nice subdomains I have just set up
but their Web editor called OLO
OnLine Opdatering won't let me in
wrong user name or password

from the help pdf it looks like an interesting system with frames

SitemapsPal - Create Google Sitemaps Online

SitemapsPal - Create Google Sitemaps Online: "

RESULTS below which may throw blog this button

LATEST from Google

Sitemap Errors
Parsing error (Line 310)
We were unable to read your Sitemap. It may contain an entry we are unable to recognize. Please validate your Sitemap before resubmitting.

Not unexpected
but line 310 which is the end line
looks the same as my successful site map??

Wednesday, July 06, 2005

an example of a badly designed page

Welcome to


no alternative text or meta tags for indexing and disabled peopel

the site is in fact a treasure trove with fine transcriptions of available sources

Friday, July 01, 2005

Web Site Search Engine, Free and Pro Versions - "Let your visitors Search Your Website
Add a site search engine to your website today.
Get your search engine for free, or select an ad-free professional version.

Advanced site search and navigation technology can be added to your website in minutes. You'll get high speed, high availability, hosted search technology from the company that pioneered the field. There's nothing to download or install. It's free and easy. "
and I learned a lot about how web crawlers work too

Hugh searching is over the limit for fre search but still very effective