Saturday, October 28, 2006

Google offers personal searches

BBC NEWS | Technology | Google offers personal searches

see Google Co-op

Harness the power of Google search technology to create a free Custom Search Engine that reflects your knowledge and interests - and make money from the resulting traffic.

this is a major break through because the tilde used on rootsweb blocked previous attempts at making a google powered site search

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Developer Center

Adobe - Developer Center : Designing with CSS – Part 1: Understanding CSS Design Concepts: "This article is the first in a series of tutorials about Cascading Style Sheets (CSS). The aim in Part 1 is to familiarize you with some of the basics of CSS. I'll review some of the problems you may run into. I'll also cover the shorthand and longhand versions of the CSS syntax.

I would like to make it clear that I do not advocate you dropping the use of tables as design elements. It is a case of what suits you best. Whatever you feel comfortable with is a good way to go. What this series of tutorials will do is provide you with the ability to create CSS layouts using Dreamweaver 8. Once you have some of the basics down, you will move on to Part 3 to create a simple but effective CSS layout."

I am lurking in the group macromedia.dreamweaver - This is a Macromedia newsgroup. Posting to this group is ...
1778 subscribers - Last message: 4 minutes ago

There is no such thing as half a pixel (.5px). Think about it. How could you possibly split a pixel?

it pays to use nntp news:macromedia.dreamweaver
otherwise your replies or questions may not be seen by all

I am using this blog to take notes to help me to become a better webmaster - on rootsweb freespace

Sunday, October 22, 2006

about navbars - CSS resources and tutorials for web designers and web developers

Advanced CSS from Google's cache of a broken .edu site:-

Use the list below to jump to different sections or scroll down and use the links at the bottom of each page to navigate to the next section.

  1. Media Type
  2. Z - Index
  3. DIV overflow (scrolling text)
  4. Display Property
  5. Lists as NavBars
  6. Multiple link styles
  7. Floating rules / fluid layout

Display Property
The display property is used to define the kind of display box an element generates during layout. Gratuitous use of display with a document type such as HTML can be dangerous, as it upsets the display hierarchy already defined in HTML. In the case of XML, which has no built-in hierarchy, display is indispensable.

h1 {display:block}
li {display: list-item}
img (display:inline}
.hide {display:hidden}

To see inline and hidden in action click this link to w3schools and follow the on screen instructions.

Lists as NavBars
Utilizing the display property + inline value in conjunction with list elements and a wee bit of CSS is an awesome way to create navigation menus that rollover in interesting ways and never touch Photoshop once. This nav bar was created in such a fashion. On this page we will learn how to make this nav bar and look at resources to develop your own nav bar styles.

Copy and paste the following CSS into the section in the of a Dreamweaver document. Notice how the display property of the #navcontainer ul li id is set to inline. By default a list is vertical, implementing the display:inline creates the horizontal navbar.

#navcontainer ul li { display: inline; }

#navcontainer ul li a
padding: 0.2em 1em;
background-color: #036;
color: White;
text-decoration: none;
float: left;
border-right: 1px solid #fff;

#navcontainer ul li a:hover
background-color: #369;
color: #fff;

Copy and paste the following HTML code into the Dreamweaver document. Don't forget to add in your own links and change the menu items from "item one" (etc) to something in line (no pun intended) with the content of your project:

 has a plethora of links and nav bars to choose from. Check out both the Listmania and Listmania 2 pages for further examples of list based navigation and a range of different rollover styles.

Friday, October 20, 2006

getting ready to use dreamweaver

Adobe - Dreamweaver TechNote : How to convert an existing site into a Dreamweaver site

How to convert an existing site into a Dreamweaver site

Entire sites constructed in other web page creation programs can be edited with Dreamweaver. This migration can happen all at once or file by file over a period of time.

  • The site files are on a web server
    There may be situations when you need to get the site files directly from the web server. This may be because you don't have them locally, but know where to find them on the server.
    1. Create a new folder on your computer system's hard drive.
    2. Define the empty folder as the local root folder.
    3. Connect to an FTP server. (For FTP issues, see Setting up Dreamweaver's FTP Connection (TechNote 14787).
    4. Download (you can use "Get" in the Site window) the folder that holds all of your web site's files from the web server.
    5. Define the site by using that main folder as the local root folder.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

CSS help

Max Design - standards based web design, development and training

The short, focused lessons presented in Sams Teach Yourself CSS in 10 Minutes will help you quickly understand CSS and how to immediately apply it to your work.

Monday, October 16, 2006

graphic website creator

SiteGrinder is a Photoshop Plug-in that converts Photoshop designs to web sites.

It is smart. It has many many features. It is easy to use. It rocks.

as does the BLOG THIS BUTTON in the latest Firefox just upgraded for Mac OS X