Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Monitors and VDU

How Can I Make My Web Pages Look Good On All Monitors? | The Patty Site: "Generally, there's not even any way to make most web pages look great on every monitor. A page which looks perfect at one size is going to suffer at a different size, at least to some extent, no matter how carefully you deal with the issue. But I'm going to suggest that there are wise compromises; you can please most of the people most of the time, and at least satisfy the rest most of the time."

Thursday, July 17, 2008

The Difference Between ID and Class - CSS-Tricks

The Difference Between ID and Class - CSS-Tricks: "We need to ways to describe content in an HTML/XHTML document. The basic elements like



    will often do the job, but our basic set of tags doesn’t cover every possible type of page element or layout choice. For this we need ID’s and Classes. For example
      , this will give us the chance to target this unordered list specifically, so that we may manipulate it uniquely to other unordered lists on our page. Or we might have a section on our page that has no relevant tag to signify it, for example a footer, where we might do something like this:
      . Or perhaps we have boxes in our sidebar for keeping content over there separated in some way:

RootsWeb FreePages

RootsWeb FreePages Banners and XHTML Doctype: "RootsWeb recently revised the masthead banners that are displayed on all free hosted websites. If you are using the HTML Transitional doctype and your pages already validate, you should experience no problems with the new banner validating.

If on the other hand, if your account is hosted on the FreePages server and you are using the XHTML doctype, your pages will no longer validate because of the bottom banner. Goods News, there is a “fix.”To change the banner code so that it will validate if you are using the XHTML doctype create a file named “banner_select” containing only that text: . . . continues . . "

Genealogy Computer Tips & Tutorials: "For those of you who may just be getting started with separating the presentation of your website from the content of your site by using cascading style sheets, understanding the difference between using id and class attributes may seem overwhelming. The id attribute provides a unique identifier for an element within the document. The class attribute classifies this element into one or more subtypes. The biggest difference between the ID and class attribute is that an ID can be used only once in a document while class can be used as many times as needed."