Right-Justified Navigation Menus Impede Scannability (Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox)
Redesigned navigation menu from the University of Michigan.8 hours after posting this article, I got email from the University of Michigan design team that they had redesigned their navigation menu. Fast work.
U. Michigan's old (left) and new (right) nav menus.
Usually, I don't update my articles just because somebody redesigns a website I criticized. After all, any site I mention is only used as an example of a larger principle and the critique of any specific design choice is still valid, whether or not the mistake is live on one particular site. But fixing a usability problem the same day is unusual, and also allows me to show you the above screenshot of the improved menu. I think you'll agree that it's much easier to read than the earlier design."
Jakob Nielsen's Alertbox, April 28, 2008:
Right-Justified Navigation Menus Impede Scannability
Users scan lists by moving their eyes rapidly down the left edge. Menu items that are right-aligned make scanning more difficult.
study his site useit.com: Jakob Nielsen on Usability and Web Design